We at Smile Gallery Dental wellness Centre would like to share details of Cranio-Maxillofacial Rehabilitation done at our center. Patient reported to us after Mucormycosis correction surgery (Post Coivd Complications) for which her Orbital Exenteration (Removal of Eye), Total Maxillectomy (Removal of Maxilla of One Side), Removal of Maxillary Sinus and part of Cheek.

Rehabilitation of Post Mucormycosis Patient with Maxillofacial Prosthesis ( Orbital Prosthesis ( Eye Replacement ) + Facial Prosthesis ( Cheek & Maxillary Process) + Obturator ( Palatal Replacement ) this is one of its kind of replacement done and require unique skill sets which we are super specialized in Cranio-Maxillofacial Rehabilitation. With this rehabilitation patient can now eat properly which is only possible due to replacement of her palate with Hollow bulb obturator, this eventually stops food from going into the upper nasal and eye part which were removed coz of mucor involvement this speeds up the healing of tissue as frequent contamination is prevented.. Orbital & Facial prosthesis provides coverage to inner tissue & prevents it from contamination apart from making her look normal and providing some inner courage to step out of home. Discover more about Black Fungus treatment in Bhopal or facial repair in Bhopal by contacting Smile Gallery Dental Wellness Center. Just click the following link or Call us at - +91 9200700750


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